Friday, July 25, 2008

Wild Blueberry

For as small as the blueberry is, this fruit contains some huge health benefits. Though in themselves they are not a cure-all, they contain fructose, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Blueberries will help protect your body from cancer, heart disease, and other ailments. They will also help increase your motor skills to your brain, and lower your cholesterol.

Blueberries are native to North America, but are also found in Australia, New Zealand, and South American Countries.

Blueberries are very similar in quality and appearance to the Bilberry.

If you have a blueberry bush in your backyard, a great way to have blueberries year round is to freeze them- by placing them on a cookie sheet in the freezer until they are frozen, and then placing them in a zip lock bag.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wild Bilberry Extract

This fruit is closely related the blueberry's or huckleberry's. One of the easiest ways to distinguish the bilberry from the blueberry is to look at the way it grows on the plant- blueberry's create more clusters, while bilberry's create single or pairs of berry's. The inside of a bilberry is red or purple, and will stain skin.

Native to Europe, some other names you might hear this fruit called are: blaeberry, whortleberry, whinberry, myrtle blueberry, and fraughan.

Bilberry's contain chemicals known as anthocyanosides, which are great antioxidants- fighting free radicals. Bilberry's also contain high vitamin C.

The Bilberry is also known to help build strong blood vessels and improve circulation. One of the pigments inside of the Bilberry will help improve vision.

Even thought eating Bilberry's have no known side effects, it is still good to meet with a doctor before taking something with Bilberry because of the limited amount of research done if you:
- Have allergies to plants.
- On Medication.
- Pregnant.
- Breast Feeding.
- Have Diabetes.
- Are taking Bilberry in another form.

The reason Jus decided to use Bilberry as one ingredient in this antioxidant, is because of its antioxidant power.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Aronia Berry

The Aronia Berry is one of the most heartiest natural healers. More commonly known as the "chokeberry", this berry contains the highest concentration of flavonoids and antioxidants than any other known natural food product.

The Aronia Berry Plant is native to eastern North America, and is a pea-sized violet blackberry with a very strong flavor.

That is quite the claim to fame!

This fruit contains vitamins B2, B6, E, C and folic acid. Some of its documented benefits include reducing infections and replecation of viruses, an extraordinary ability to fight cancer mechanisms, help with diabetes, inflammation, cardiovascular ailments, circulatory problems, influenza, and many other ailments.

As far as what to expect if you decide to drink this juice, you will find it has a very tart like flavor similar to unsweetened cranberry juice. If you do decide to drink straight aronia juice, you might want to dilute it or add sweetener.

If you look closely you will find the aronia berry all over grocery stores/markets. The most common forms would be in pie and cookie fillings, candy, yogurt, and jellies. In other countries, it is a very popular flavor for wine.