The Acai Palm has many useful qualities. The heart of the palm is often consumed in salads. The leaves are used to make hats, mats, baskets, brooms, and roof thatch for homes. The trunk is used for building construction because of its resistance to pests. The seeds are used to make a variety of jewelry and souvenirs. Some of the seeds are even ground up for livestock food or for additional nutrients in organic soil.

This leads us to the most common use for the Acai Palm. The Acai Palm was introduced to the western world in the 1990's. The juice created out of the Acai berry is extracted from the small round fruit by soaking the seeds in water to soften the thin outer shell and then squeezing and straining them to produce a tasty dense purple liquid. Most of the indigenous population will consume up to 2 liters per day of this juice. The amazing health benefits backed by scientific research on these small berry's is bound to surprise you.

The following post will explain more on the health qualities of the Acai Berry...
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