So it was becoming clear after more research that I could effectively continue to blog about the Acai berry alone, and never get to any of the other ingredients found in Jus... so I decided to move on to Ingredient #2- Acerola! A more common name for this fruit would be the Barbados Cherry or the West Indian Cherry.
The Acerola is believed to have originated in the Yucatan, and now being distributed through North and South America, and some in Asia. This tree, unlike the Acai Palm, is now growing in different parts of the USA in warm climates.

They are known as a bushy shrub or a shorter tree. This plant has leaves, flowers, and little "cherry" looking fruit. The fruit is VERY high in vitamin C, with the green fruit having twice the amount of vitamin C as the red. This fruit matures in less than 25 days.
In Brazil, Acerola juice is just as common as orange juice to us Americans... Overall Acerola has not been the subject of much clinical research because it is mainly just used as a food or drink, and not as a herbal remedy.
Click HERE to get a great Acerola juice recipe...

love this little fruit.
thanks for visiting my blog.
it's fine that you linked me.
when in Brazil we drink lots of acai smoothies.
good info you have here. love the photos.
those look good. that's great that they have so much vitamin C.
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