The 3rd ingredient found in Jus is Aloe Vera. Turns out that Aloe Vera is good for more than just our skin!
Not only will Aloe Vera help with rebuilding skin, it will also benefit our hair and digestive health, including heartburn, reflux, constipation, gas, and help increase your stamina which is why Aloe Vera is used partially as a weight loss tool.
Aloe Vera can help improve poor health conditions naturally WITHOUT bad side effects related to other pills/medications.
Studies show that Aloe Vera is an excellent source of at least 75 nutrients and more than 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 20 of the 22 necessary amino acids, and 12 vitamins.
One of the main reasons Jus felt Aloe Vera was worthy enough to be included in the list of

There are some recipes for Aloe Vera Juice online, but they all seem like it would just be much easier (with the same health benefits) to get your intake of Aloe Vera by simply drinking Jus, or another supplement with Aloe Vera included in it.
For some more information on the health benefits of drinking Aloe Vera, visit this cool page...
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